Braeden Wallace

Student Ministry (PSM) Middle School Coordinator 

Where Are you from?

I am from the charming small town of Elkton, Virginia.

Where did you go to School?

I graduated in 2021 as a student athlete from Marietta College in Marietta, Ohio, where I majored in English with minors in Religion and Leadership. I am beginning my seminary journey at Reformed Theological Seminary soon!

Who is your family?

I am the grateful husband of my wonderful wife, Adelyn, and the proud dog dad of Ziggy, and my hamster, Baba.

what do you enjoy most about your role at the chapel?

I love being able to see middle and high school students grasp the gospel for the first time and getting a front-row seat to seeing the Lord grow them and use them. As a pastoral intern, I have also loved being surrounded by and invested in by wise, humble leaders on staff and in the church body as I grow in experience and heart for pastoring.

fun fact:

I have two webbed toes on both feet, but don’t be deceived; I am not a strong swimmer whatsoever.

fuLL Bio:

Braeden was born in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and raised in a believing family. He came to faith as a teenager after a youth missions trip and became involved in Younglife and Fellowship of Christian Athletes, where he began to grow deeper in his relationship with Jesus and became more involved in ministry leadership. In 2018, Braeden began studying at Marietta College as a student athlete and quickly got plugged in with Cru campus ministry. In 2020, Braeden served as a PSM intern and fell in love with the Christ-centered, rich community at PCC. After graduating from Marietta, Braeden got married to his wonderful wife, Adelyn, and started working as a PSM student ministry intern and with the facilities team. In the fall of 2022, Braeden began in the Peninsula Fellows Program, where he gained meaningful ministry experience and got his first taste of seminary-level courses. Upon graduating from Fellows, Braeden stepped into the Middle School Coordinator role as well as the role of Pastoral Intern, where he will have the opportunity to learn from PCC pastoral leadership, gain preaching and other shepherding experience, and begin work towards a Masters degree through Reformed Theological Seminary. In his free time, Braeden enjoys disc golfing, going on walks with Adelyn and his dog, Ziggy, home improvement projects, and trying to drag himself out of retirement from long-distance running in college.